Blackpool Expo

Event Terms & Conditions

Health & Safety

The Health & Safety At Work Act,1974 (HASAWA74)

  • It is a condition of entry into the Event that every Exhibitor, Contractor, Sub – Contractor, supplier and their agents comply with the HASAWA74 and all other legislation covering the venue. The Exhibitor accepts that it is their legal and moral responsibility to ensure that their own and others health and safety is not put at risk by their actions (or in-actions) throughout the tenancy.

  • All exhibiting organisations are responsible for their staff, their contractors and visitors on and around their stand from the first day of build up through to the last day of breakdown. They must ensure that due thought and consideration is given to their own and others health, safety and welfare throughout the Exhibition, and that their actions, or inactions, do not give rise to accidents, injuries or an unsafe working environment so far as is reasonably practicable.

  • Each Company that plans to build their own stand must submit a full method statement incorporating a risk assessment and clearly illustrate how the build, operation and deconstruction of the stand will be done safely. Exhibiting Companies are also required to submit a set of drawings complete with dimensions and structural calculations for complex stands or structures.

  • Exhibitors using simple pop-up stands are not required to provide any documents.

Risk Assessment & Method Statements

  • For those that have never had to submit these before we have template documents available on request.

  • The templates must be edited by anyone who intends to use them by completing the administration section and checking or completing the content where this is required.

  • Use of the templates is not mandatory but will be used as a minimum standard of compliance by the Organisers.

  • Exhibiting companies and their contractors may also use their own documentation either independently or to support the templates if they wish.

Email : [email protected]

Security & Insurance

  • Please ensure stand personnel take all personal belongings or items of value with them at the end of the day. The organisers and the venue cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any damage to and/or loss of any property introduced by exhibitors or contractors.

  • If setting up the night before please ensure all electrical items are unplugged before leaving the exhibition.

  • It is the Exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure the safety of your belongings and you are advised not to leave any valuable equipment or articles unattended at any time. It is also the Exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure that their insurance extends to transport between the venue and the space occupied during the event.

  • Proof of public liability insurance cover should be provided on booking.

Booking Your Stand & Terms & Conditions

  • Complete the event booking form by clicking the link to book on the event website.

  • Exhibitors must agree to the terms and conditions on completion of the booking form or your booking won’t be accepted.

Terms & Conditions

  • These terms and conditions apply between the person, firm, company or other entity specified on your booking form (“you” or “your”) and Launch Events North West Limited (Company No. 09877482).
  • Registered in England and Wales. Registered office: 98 Bolton Road, Atherton, Manchester, England, M46 9JY (“Launch Events” or “us”, “we”) for delegate registrations for the event (including but not limited to conferences, seminars, workshops and networking events) specified on your booking form (“Event”).

Please Read Them Carefully as They Contain Important Information

  • By submitting your registration to attend the Event (“your registration”) you agree to be bound by these terms to the exclusion of all other terms.

  • If you do not agree to be bound by these terms Launch Events will be unable to accept your registration.

Condition 1: Confirmation

  • Your registration is an offer to Launch Events to attend an Event which is subject to our acceptance in writing (which may include (without limitation) email).

  • A binding contract between Launch Events and you will only be formed when written confirmation of acceptance (“Confirmation” or “Confirmed”) is sent by Launch Events to you (whether or not it is received) using the contact details you provided at the time of registration.

  • You should contact us if you have not received Confirmation within 5 days of your registration, but, in any event, if Confirmation is not sent within 14 days of Launch Events receiving your registration, your registration will be deemed to be accepted unless Launch Events notify you otherwise.

  • We reserve the right in our sole discretion to refuse to accept your registration.

Condition 2: Payment of Your Exhibition Fees

  • You will pay Launch Events any fees specified in your booking form for the Event (“your fees”).

  • Payment of your fees is due in full on booking (receipt of invoice) unless other arrangements have been agreed with the organisers.

  • Late bookings must pay in full and in cleared funds in any event not later than 48 hours before the Event.

  • If payment of your fees in full is not received before the Event, Launch Events may (at its sole discretion) either require such payment as a condition of your entry to the Event or refuse you entry to the Event.

  • No refunds of any proportion of your fees already paid (if any) will be made and any balance of your fees will remain due and payable where entry to an Event is refused under this Condition 2.

Condition 3: Discounts

  • All discounts can only be applied at the time of registration and discounts cannot be combined.

  • If you register for an Event under a reduced fee arrangement offered by Launch Events you must provide evidence of eligibility for the reduced fee when requested or be liable to pay the full fee.

  • All discounts are subject to our approval.

  • Discounts for group registrations are only valid for the number of delegates specified on your booking form. If the number of delegates that actually attends the Event is (for any reason) less than the number specified in the booking form, then we may (at our sole discretion) change the fees charged to reflect the number of delegates that actually attend the Event in line with our published prices then in force.

  • Any additional sums payable to us as a result shall be paid in line with Condition 2.

Condition 4: Changes

  • Prices for each Event, where applicable, are correct at the time of publication.

  • Launch Events reserves the right to change the prices at any time but changes will not affect registrations which have already been confirmed by us.

Condition 5: VAT

  • Prices for each Event are exclusive of amounts in respect of value added tax (VAT).

  • You shall, on receipt of a valid VAT invoice from us, pay to Launch Events such additional amounts in respect of VAT as are chargeable on the supply of the Event.

Condition 6: Cancellations By You

  • You may cancel your registration in accordance with this Condition 6.

  • You will receive a refund of your fees paid to Launch Events (if any):

(i) if you cancel your registration 28 days or more before the Event, subject to an administration charge equivalent to 20% of the total amount of your fees; or

(ii) if you cancel your registration less than 28 days, but more than 14 days before the Event, subject to an administration charge equivalent to 50% of the total amount of your fees.

  • Launch Events regrets that the full amount of your fee remains payable in the event that your cancellation is 14 days or less before the Event or if you fail to attend the Event.

  • Cancellations within 3 days or non-attendance where visitors are invited to attend FOC incur an additional administration fee as outlined in condition 14.

  • All cancellations must be sent by email to [email protected] and must be acknowledged by Launch Events.

  • For the avoidance of doubt telephone cancellations are not accepted.

  • You acknowledge that the refund of your fees in accordance with Condition 6 is your sole remedy in respect of any cancellation of your registration by you and all other liability is expressly excluded.

Condition 7: Substitutions

  • Substitutions with employees from your organisation are welcome at any time but in all other respects delegate registrations are issued for your personal use only and cannot be shared with any person during the Event.

  • You must email any substitutions to [email protected] prior to the date of the Event.

  • For the avoidance of doubt telephone substitutions are not accepted.

  • You may not purchase registrations as agent for any third party or sell or otherwise transfer your registration to others, or exploit the registration commercially or non-commercially in any way.

Condition 8: Changes to Event Format

  • Launch Events may (at its sole discretion) change the format, speakers, participants, content, venue location and programme or any other aspect of the Event at any time and for any reason, whether or not due to a Force Majeure Event, in each case without liability.

  • For the purpose of the Conditions 8, 9 and 10 “Force Majeure Event” means any event arising that is beyond the reasonable control of Launch Events including (without limitation) speaker or participant cancellation or withdrawal, supplier or contractor failure, venue damage or cancellation, health scares, industrial dispute, governmental regulations or action, military action, fire, flood, disaster, civil riot, viral pandemics, acts of terrorism or war.

Condition 9: Cancellations By Us

  • Launch Events may (at its sole discretion) change the date or cancel an Event at any time for any reason.

  • Where we change the date or cancel the Event for any reason except due to a Force Majeure Event (in which case the terms of Condition 10 shall apply) Launch Events shall offer you the option of attending any rearranged Event that we choose to organise (acting in our sole discretion).

  • If you promptly notify us in writing before the date of the Event that you do not wish to attend the rearranged Event or, if Launch Events elects not to rearrange the Event then you will (as your sole remedy) be entitled, at your discretion, to receive either a credit note or a refund in respect of your fees received by us.

Condition 10: Force Majeure Event

Where a Force Majeure Event has or may have (in Launch Event’s sole discretion) an adverse impact on:

(i) the ability of us to hold the Event at the planned venue or on the planned date; or

(ii) the Event generally, then we shall be entitled but not obliged (in our sole discretion) to either:

(i) provide alternative facilities or venue for the Event; and/or

(ii) reschedule the Event.

  • Any of your fees received by Launch Events shall be applied to any rearranged or rescheduled Event held pursuant to this Condition 10 and you shall not be entitled to object to such rearranged or rescheduled Event or have any right to claim any compensation in respect thereof.

  • If we are unable or elect not to rearrange or reschedule the Event pursuant to this Condition 10, then you will (as your sole remedy) be entitled, in your sole discretion, to receive either a refund or credit note in respect of your fees received by Launch Events, in each case less an administration charge equivalent to 20% per cent of the total amount of your fees (which Launch Events may (in its sole discretion) either deduct from any refund or credit note or invoice you separately).

  • These terms and conditions shall apply in respect of any rearranged or rescheduled Event organised by us pursuant to this Condition 10

Condition 11: Exhibitions Terms

Where we hold an Exhibition, the following additional terms apply:

1. Each single stand space allowance is as specified on booking.

2. Any materials that do not fit within the space provided will not be accommodated.

3. One chair per stand will be provided.

4. Stands shall be set up on the date agreed with us and fully set up at least one hour before the start of the exhibition.

5. Exhibitors must be at their stand no later than 30 minutes before the start of the Exhibition.

6. Stands must not be packed up before the announced end of the Exhibition.

7. All stand requirements, such as power or furniture must be specified on completion of your booking form.

8. If not requested in advance we may not be able to accommodate you on the day.

9. It is your responsibility to ensure insurances are adequate, any electrical items they are using on your stands are PAT tested and are meeting health & safety requirements.

10. All advertising bookings are non-refundable.

Condition 12: Liability

  • To the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law, Launch Events NW Limited shall not be liable to you for any loss, delay, damage, or other liability incurred resulting from or arising in connection with the cancellation or date change of the Event howsoever arising or any venue change.

  • You acknowledge and agree that the provisions of conditions 9 and 10 set out your sole remedy should the Event date be changed or cancelled, and all other liability of Launch Events is expressly excluded.

Condition 13: Admission

  • Launch Events may (at its sole discretion) refuse admission to, or eject from the Event, any person in its absolute discretion, including (without limitation) any person who fails to comply with these terms and conditions or who in the opinion of Launch Events represents a security risk, nuisance, or annoyance to the running of the Event.

  • You agree to comply with all reasonable instructions issued by us or the venue owners at the Event

Condition 14: Non-attendance at Free of Charge Events

  • If you do not attend or cancel your booking within 3 days of an event where by visitors are invited to attend FOC, a discretionary administration fee of £20 will be charged.

Condition 15: Filming & Photography

  • All unauthorised photography and the recording or transmitting of audio or visual material is expressly prohibited.

  • You consent to filming and sound recording and photography of the Event as a delegate and you consent to the use by us of any such recording or photography anywhere in the world for promotional, marketing and other purposes.

Condition 16: Data Protection

  • Launch Events North West Limited is a registered data controller.
  • Your information will be added to our marketing database and will not be given to third parties without your prior consent.
  • Your information will be used to send you relevant marketing and informational material on our products and services.
  • At any time you may ask us to send you a copy of your information from our records, remove your information from our records or correct or update your information.

If you do not wish to receive information about products and services or for a detailed privacy statement or correction of your information please write to Marketing Information, Launch Events NW Limited, 215 Douglas Road Street, Atherton, Greater Manchester, M46 9FE or call 01942 559306 between 09:00 and 17:00, Mon to Fri.

You can read our full Data Protection Policy HERE.

Condition 17: Limitation of Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law, Launch Events excludes:

(a) all liability for loss, injury or damage to persons or property at the Event;

(b) all indemnities, warranties, representations, terms and conditions (whether express or implied); and

(c) any actual or alleged indirect loss or consequential loss howsoever arising suffered by you or any loss of profits, anticipated profits, savings, loss of business revenue, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill, or any other type of economic loss (whether direct or indirect).

(d) If Launch Events is liable to you for any reason, Launch Events’ total liability to you in relation to the Event (whether under these terms or conditions or otherwise) is limited to the amount of your fees received by us from you.

Condition 18: Force Majeure Events and Limitation of Liability

  • If, by reason of any Force Majeure Event, Launch Events is delayed in or prevented from performing any of its obligations under this Agreement, then such delay or non-performance shall not be deemed to be a breach of this Agreement and no loss or damage shall be claimed by you by reason thereof.

  • Our obligations shall be suspended during the period of the delay or non-performance and Launch Events and you shall each use reasonable endeavours to mitigate the effect of the Force Majeure Event.

  • The provisions of this Condition 18 are subject to the provision of Condition 10.

Condition 19: Amendments to These Terms & Conditions

Launch Events reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions from time to time. However, you will be subject to the terms and conditions in force at the time you submit your registration.

Last updated 16th February 2022.

Condition 20: Third Parties

No person other than you and Launch Events shall have the right (whether under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 (the “Act”) or otherwise) to enforce these terms and conditions between us without the prior written agreement of you and Launch Events.

Condition 21: Jurisdiction

This Agreement is governed by English law and you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. Nothing in this Condition 21 shall prevent or restrict Launch Events from pursuing any action against you in any court of competent jurisdiction.